Monday, December 14, 2009

NO GW/GC Earth is currently in an ice age.

There is no global warming or global cooling. There is no global warming or cooling. If you take a look at the Antarctic ice core graphs can see a history of earth temperature, Co2, methane, and dust dating back about three million years. There is one graph of benethic carbonate (carbon deposition on the sea floor) dating back 6-million years. Increased carbon deposition is an indication of increased light to Earth to cause plants to grow in the oceans.

Early Earth had a 750 PSI atmosphere. It was also in the Heronian Glaciation over one billion years. Such an atmosphere would extend over 2,500 feet above the Earth's surface. There was no way sunlight could break through such an atmosphere to thaw out the mile-deep sheets of ice over the oceans and get life started. Our Sun drifted near the ancient Procyon and Sirius multiple-star systems.

It was the additional light and heat from Sirius A and B that took Earth out of the billion-year Heronian Glaciation. Earth has lost over98% of its atmosphere. It was laid down as coal, oil and limestone from the invisible UV light from Sirius B in the 350 to 400 nanometer range. During this 650-million-year warm period Earth did not have ice caps. Then, about 2.5 million years ago an explosion in Orion caused our sun to loose its tractor beam with Sirius B and started making ellipses around this star system. The ellipses steadily grew to now we go out to nine light years and Ice Ages last 105,000 years.

We are now 8.5 light years from Sirius and heading toward it at 7.5 kilometers per second. Back Cover Text: COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES God gave us a brain and if we refuse to use it he will be greatly disappointed. The authors solve the greatest mystery of all time by plotted our sun’s course from its birthplace in Orion. Little Sirius B with 1.5 times the gravity of our sun grabbed hold of us putting us into orbit around Sirius A. Our sun’s fortunate capture by the Sirius system took Earth out of a billion-year Ice Age with additional light and heat.

It took the power of a white dwarf putting out hundreds of times more UV than our sun to break through early Earth’s 1400 PSI C02 atmosphere and get life started on the surface of the waters. The invention of non-cyclic photosynthesis created eight times more food production that allowed predators to exist and gave us our free oxygen coal, oil and limestone made from carbon dioxide (Co2). Global warming is a hoax. Our sun doesn’t have enough power to keep us out of Ice Ages otherwise we wouldn’t have them! We are in an Ice Age! During all previous geologic ages when the majority of the coal, oil and limestone were made from Co2 Earth’s average temperature was 50 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The average temperature on Earth is now 32 degrees.

A stellar explosion three million years ago blasted our sun into an elliptical orbit where we go out to nine light years below the galactic plane. Co2 is plant food! Without Co2 everything on the planet dies and you can’t grow food. Our atmosphere is depleted to .033 % Co2 and our government wants to take your tax dollars to pump it underground???? Given the fact that 90% of our atmosphere is gone and that the major producer of free oxygen “diatoms” are disappearing; will stupid humans keep on burning things? We need to get a handle on this and start using sources of energy that don’t consume oxygen like geothermal, solar, wind and tide. This book is about the conscious enlightenment of humanity necessary to save itself from extinction.

GW/GC RELIGIOUS FREAKS IGNORE BASIC FACTS: EARTH IS AN ICE AGE WITH AN AVERAGE TEMPERATURE OF 32 DEGREES. The comments I get refuting basic logic that is available to all is evidence that something is wrong with the curriculums. Much of what we are taught was engineered for societal manipulation to keep us focused on the wrong things such as GW and GC.

I find it amusing when I get feedback about trees not growing above a certain level because there isn't enough Co2 plant food. Where do you think the carbon come from that makes carbon based life forms like THE SHEETROCK ON THE WALL? GW/GC nuts refuse to look up the facts. Co2 is plant food! Without Co2 the planet dies and you will starve to death. Co2 is a trace gas! It accounts for only .033% of our atmosphere.

If mankind were to some how able to double the amount of Co2 it would still be a trace gas at .066%. Co2 is also heavy. It is twice as heavy as oxygen and about 1/3 heavier than nitrogen so human release of Co2 is partially responsible for smog around cities because it tends to hang below the 3000-foot level until the wind mixes it up. Check out the specific gravity of Co2 compared with nitrogen and oxygen to verify this fact! Because Co2 is heavy, trees don't grow above a certain level because there isn't enough Co2 food for them to grow.. That is why there is a timberline duhh! Co2 is an extremely valuable resource. You got two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom. If you were smart you could burn it in your car or heat your home with it! The sheetrock on the wall of your house was made from Co2 using UV light from space.

The coal that heats your house and gives you electricity was made from Co2 using invisible UV light from space in the invisible 350 to 400 nanometer range. The oil and makes your car go down the road was made from Co2 and hydrogen. If anyone is interested where the energy came from to make our carbon resources read my book: COSMOLOGICAL ICE AGES or if you have no interest in where the free oxygen came from you are currently sucking into your lungs you can go on my web site and order a book about Sarah Palin or books about Barack Obama or John McCain all of which will not alter human release of Co2 in any way. Now methane! That's another story. also:

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