False Flag BP oil disaster
Goldman Sachs sold 44% of its BP stock during the first quarter of this year which lost 36% of it value of 96-million dollars.
Goldman Sachs invested the money in Nelco, the manufacturer of corexit the toxic oil dispersant which evaporates and degrades into arsenic causing arsenic rain on land into people’s drinking water. Nelco hired another Globalst, the CEO of Monsanto to run the company.
Haliburton acquired the cleanup company Boots and Coots on site days before the explosion on BP’s Deep Water Horrizon.
BP reports cite undocumented tampering with well sealing equipment. BP’s testimony briefing also notes that the Hydraulic Control System on equipment designed to automatically seal the well in an emergency was modified without their knowledge some time before the explosion.
The disaster is not so much a spill but a colossal underwater volcanic eruption spewing out 2.5 million gallons of crude oil a day. This has been going on for more than 45 days with an absolute media blackout of the real situation. This could take years to cleanup. Compared to the EXXON Valdez Tanker which official state records say spilled spilled 11-million gallons. (Actually it was more like 22-million gallons because the three smaller tankers that went along side to pump out the Exxon Valdez took off much seawater along with the oil that was leaking into the ship. The state of Alaska was paid 900-million dollars within months while the people affected had to wait over twenty years.) If anyone is interested I can send you a copy of the actual tanker literage reports for $20.00. www.GuardDogBooks.com
Meanwhile there is the real possibility of volcanic tsunamis, superstorms and toxic gas release. The entire state of Florida, most of which is only 50-feet above sea level could be wiped out. Maybe this explains the stockpiling of 500,000 coffins in Georgia last year and the FEMA stockpiling of thousands of UN evacuation vehicles at a Air Force Base in Jacksonville.
One thing is for sure. We need to use this event to shake off lethargy and apathy. There are some wicked plans being carried out right now to destroy the middle class, depopulate the earth and reduce us to a small group of controllers that have the resources and power and the few of us that are left will work as slaves.
This doesn’t’ have to happen. We all need to raise our awareness and consciously choose what we believe and how we act. It requires all citizens on earth to become responsible and spiritually mature. This also means getting off the planet to colonize other biospheres.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010

False global warming propaganda leaked to the media for societal manipulation has increased the public’s opposition increasing greenhouse gas emissions. The public seems oblivious to the fact that global warming has been proven to be a myth and that both polar ice caps are building ice and polar bears are not drowning.
They lied about carbon dioxide being greenhouse gas because it amounts to only .033 percent of our atmosphere. It is a trace gas necessary for plant growth. Without it you won’t eat. If humans were some how able to double the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere it would still be a trace gas at .033 percent.
The polar ice caps are building. I don’t have time to put it here but the earth is heating up underneath due to more volcanic activity. Thorium, radium, plutonium and uranium at the core keep the interior of the earth hot. There is something strange going on with interactive gravity waves being transmitted from star to star as we enter the galactic plane where billions of stars line up.
Meanwhile to counter the mythical GW the government has offered up to $8-billion in subsidies and insurance against delays in licensing nuclear facilities. Additionally they have offered another $18-billion in loan guarantees to build new nuclear plants.
Our government spent $8-billion studying the Yucca mountain Nevada storage facility and that figure does not include that actual construction costs. It is still not ready. The projected opening of the Yucca Mountain, Nevada storage facility is projected to open in 2017—two decades behind schedule.
Meanwhile nuclear reactors around the country have been storing spent fuel rods in cooling pool and above ground cement canisters costing $1-million each. Each canister holds 10 tons of waste (20,000 pounds) and the average 1,000 megawatt reactor discharges enough spent fuel to fill two canisters ever year. Total cost two million dollars per year. The US nuclear utilities are suing the federal government, because they would not have incurred such expenses has the U. S. Department of Energy has opened the Yucca Mountain repository in 1998 as originally planned. As a result the government is paying for the cement canisters and associated infrastructure and operations—a bill that is running about $300-million a year.
Under pressure to remove spent fuel off the sites, the Department of Energy has returned to an idea that it abandoned in the 1970’s—to “reprocess” the spent fuel. Up to 70 percent of the plutonium still remains in the spent fuel rods but the process of extracting it is horrible dangerous.
Vast reprocessing plants have been running in France and the U. K. for more than a decade. Japan began to operate its own reprocessing facility in 2006. The idea is not without its merits however it is expensive and dangerous.
Nuclear fuel is the element from Hell. It power reactors generating heat—which makes steam to turn electricity generating turbines maintaining a nuclear chain reaction that splits atoms. As a rule most of the fuel is uranium that is enriched so that 4 to 5 percent is the chain-reacting isotope uranium 235. Virtually all the rest is uranium 238. At an enrichment of only 5 percent stolen reactor fuel cannot be used to construct an illicit atom bomb.
In the reactor, some of the uranium 238 absorbs a neutron and becomes plutonium 239, which is also chain reacting and can in principle be partially “burned” it is extracted and properly prepared. However the process is expensive and costs more than what the fuel is worth.
Recycling the plutonium reduces the waste problem only minimally. Most important, the separated plutonium can readily serve to make nuclear bombs and much effort and money is spent keeping it secure until it is once more a part of spent fuel. A small amount of this highly radioactive—too small to make a nuclear bomb can be used to make a dirty bomb. Simply wrap it with explosives and detonate over a populated area. The resultant microscopic dust particles breathed into the lungs guarantees a slow death from cancer.
France is using reprocessing to move its storage problem of spent fuel from the reactor sites to the reprocessing plant. Japan is following France’s example. The U. K. and Russia is simply storing their separated ‘civilian’ plutonium—about 120 tons between them as of 2005, enough to make 15,000 atoms bombs. For a while the U. S. was shipping all their spent fuel rods to Russia and France.
The economic reality of the situation took a while to sink in, but it has now convinced almost all nations that bought foreign reprocessing services that they might as well store their spent fuel and save the reprocessing fee of about $1 million per ton (10 times the cost of dry storage containers).
So France, Russia and the U. K. have lost virtually all their foreign customers. One result is the U. K. plans to shut down it reprocessing plants within the next few years, a move that comes with a $92-billion price tag for cleaning up the site of these facilities.
In 2000 France considered the option of ending reprocessing in 2010 and concluded that doing so would reduce the cost of nuclear electricity. (France gets 70 percent of it energy from nuclear power plants.) Making such a change, though, might also engender acrimonious debates about nuclear waste—the last thing the French nuclear establishment wants in a country that has seen relatively little antinuclear activism.
Japan is even more politically locked into reprocessing its nuclear waste. Unlike the U. S. Japan has been unable to obtain permission to expand their on-site storage. Russia today has just one single processing plant with the ability to handle only 15 percent of it total production. The Soviets wanted to expand their processing capability but had to abandon those plans when their economy collapsed in the 1980s.
During the Cold War the U. S. operated reprocessing plants in Washington State and South Carolina to recover plutonium for nuclear weapons. More than half the 100 tons of plutonium that was separated in those efforts has been declared to be in excess of our national needs, and the DOE currently projects that disposing of it will cost more than $15-billion.
The people who were working on the sites where this reprocessing took place are now primarily occupied with cleaning up the resulting mess, which is expected to cost around $100 billion. In a situation where the county is threatened be it real or imaginary the attitude is, “Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead.” Obviously our government has little or no foresight when it comes to nuclear waste or caring for the welfare of its citizens future.
With all the problems reprocessing involves one might ask why it was pursued at all. Part of the answer is that fore years after civilian nuclear power plants were first introduced, the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) promoted reprocessing both domestically and abroad as essential to the future of nuclear power, because the industry was worried about running out of uranium. This concern has since abated.
In 1974 India, one of the countries that the U. S. assisted in acquiring reprocessing capabilities (How many countries?) used its first separated plutonium to build a nuclear weapon. About this time Theodore B. Taylor, a former U. S. nuclear weapons designer, was raising an alarm about the possibility that the panned separation and recycling of thousands of tons of plutonium every year would allow terrorists to steal enough to make one or more atomic bombs. Since that time concerns about a much simpler device using the poisonous waste material in the form of a “dirty bomb.”
The U. S. National Academy of Science panel concluded that recycling the transuranics in the first 62.000 tons of spent fuel, (the amount that otherwise would have been stored in Yucca Mountain) would require, “no less than $50-billion and easily could be over $100 billion”—in other words, it could well cost something like $500 for every person in the U. S. These numbers would have to be doubled to deal with the entire amount of spent fuel that existing U. S. reactors are expected to discharge during their lifetimes.” –May 2008 Scientific American page 91.
Now that we know a little about the history of the nuclear power fiasco we can get a glimpse into the bureaucratic mindset that put us in this situation.
Our government big plan was to ship all its nuclear waste to reprocessing facilities in India and other third-world nations that the AEC had secretly bankrolled and constructed at a cost of several billion each. This was done so they wouldn’t have to deal with the political opposition and Congressional oversight problem in this country. Sound familiar? Ship all the jobs overseas to put Americans out of work because life and labor is cheaper in third-world nations. Who cares if a few lowly-paid, dark-skinned people die from radiation poisoning? Their big plan backfired when India detonated their first underground nuclear explosion.
The Scientific American article goes on to say: “Before this danger was fully realized, the U. S. shared technology for reprocessing spent nuclear fuel with other countries but ceased doing so after India detonated a nuclear bomb...” It is clear that our government’s intentions from the onset has been to spread as much of this nuclear material as possible all over the globe thereby increase the threat of nuclear war and giving them the excuse to take more of our tax money. To learn more read my book, The Frog is Cooked
www.AlaskaPublishing.com and www.GuardDogBooks.com
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The Moon is owned by the Anunnaki and is Nibiru.
The Anunnaki own the Moon and it is Nibiru
Giordano Bruno (a 16th century Italian philosopher) is reputed to have written in De Immenso: (Bk IV, x, pp. 56-57): “There are those who have believed that there was a certain time (as our Mythologian says) when the moon, which was believed to be younger than the sun, was not yet created. The Arcadians, who dwelt not far from the Po, are believed to have been in existence before it (the moon).” “Theodorus writes in his first book that the moon had appeared a little while before the war which was fought by Hercules against the giants. Aristochius and Dionysius Chalcidensis, in the first of their works, confirm the same.” “Mnaseas said that the Arcadians were born before the moon, and so they were called ‘proselenian’; meaning, ‘before the moon’.” [1]
Bruno goes on to step upon the sensibilities of future scholars by noting that, “the earth, which is of the same species as the moon, is of creatable and destructible substance, and is truly animal and even mortal, although divine. Therefore, the planets (worlds) are able to be created and destroyed, and it is not possible that they have been eternal, since we have proved them to be alterable and consisting of changing parts.” [1] [emphasis added]
Velikovsky has discussed this same idea by noting that one of the most remote recollections of mankind is in regard to the period of Earth’s history when it was Moonless. Velikovsky quotes everyone from Democritus and Anaxagoras to Aristotle and Apollonius of Rhodes to show that such a pre-Hellenic time existed. Those humans living at the time were called Pelasgians, Proselenes (“before the Moon”), and Arcadians (pre-Danai and pre-Deukalion). They were said to have dwelt in the mountains, fed on acorns, and lived as aborigines. [See below.]
Plutarch, Hippolytus, Censorinus, and a doubting Lucian wrote of pre-Lunar people, as did Ovid, who said that the Arcadians possessed their land before the birth of Jove, and were older than the Moon. There are even Biblical references (Job 25:5 and Psalm 72:5) which allude to a Moonless Earth -- or at least can be so interpreted. Finally, the memory of a Moonless Earth is contained in the oral traditions of such Indians as those of the Bogota highlands in the eastern Cordilleras of Columbia, i.e. according to tribesmen of Chibchas, “In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens.”
The references to the aboriginal nature of the pre-Moon folk, and the fact they lived before “the birth of Jove” is particularly noteworthy. While Velikovsky and those scholars suggesting a Moonless Earth time, have never made the apparent connection to Sumerian records and the Anunnaki, many of whom of the latter have a date of birth (or arrival in the environs of Earth) which would have occurred after the time of some of Earth’s original aborigines. In fact, the time of a Moonless Earth might likely correspond to the time when Homo Erectus was roaming about the planet, dwelling in mountains, eating acorns, and becoming the archetype for future aborigines. The possible assumption that the Arcadians were a civilization is without confirming evidence. In addition, the habit of Sumerians to consider civilization and the world as an interchangeable term, does not eliminate an Arcadian “civilization” as being essentially an aboriginal one. Meanwhile, all the histories tie together, all the pieces of the puzzle fit -- provided, of course, there is no recarving of the puzzles to make them fit in an incorrect position.
Given the distinct possibility of the Moon being a relative newcomer to its orbit around the Earth, an arrival apparently prior to the Anunnaki of Sumerian history, one might even consider seriously the even more radical suggestion of the Moon being artificial. In the section on Lunatics, we considered this possibility of a Moon being the ideal space ship, wherein one has all the comforts of home (including a vast collection of kitchen sinks), and at the same time, can enjoy an observational status wherein no one else (in particular, arrogant humans) even suspects the existence of a nearby extraterrestrial intelligence.
Is it possible that the Moon arrived with the Anunnaki -- either initially, or later when it was apparent that an off-planet base was essential? Is this their “home away from home”, from which they could observe the going ons down below, while still enjoying a privacy from prying human eyes? Zecharia Sitchin [2] and others have noted that there were Anunnaki “watchers” in the space surrounding the Earth -- and while it might be assumed they were in artificial satellites in near-Earth orbit, no one appears [until the writing of this essay] to have considered that the artificial satellite upon which the Anunnaki were doing their watching (and administering the trans-shipments of Gold back to Nibiru) was in fact the Moon! And yet it makes total sense.
Adam and Eve being Lunatics is one case in point, where perhaps the genetic work of Enki and Ninki was being conducted in an off-Earth-site location. The fact that Adam may have been preaching a worship of the Moon is just more evidence of his possible birthplace, and the location of his acknowledged creators.
Richard Hoagland has suggested that the distinct differences between the near and far sides of the Moon may be the result of interplanetary (or interstellar) war damages -- one side being blasted into “seas”, while the far side has no such, similar “damage”! There is also the War of the Titans, and all sorts of warfare going on among the Anunnaki, especially Enki and Enlil, in the earlier times.
The reason the near side of the Moon is relatively smooth with few new craters is due to the fact that it was covered with over 200 kilometers of ice accumulated during its long space long voyage to Earth. When it was bounced off Earth the ice was knocked off raising sea levels on Earth 300 feet 11,713 years ago taking Earth out of the Ice Age.
It might appear ancient history has not even begun to scratch the surface of possibilities of Anunnaki residing on the Moon in the early days (as well as now?), in a continuing series of “Prime Directive” Violations. It is even possible that Hoagland’s lunar anomalies are the remnants of that Anunnaki war, and that there is still Anunnaki in residence on “our” Moon. Suddenly, the “Man in the Moon” takes on a greater credibility.
Furthermore, an Anunnaki controlled artificial Moon might have allowed them to use it in some fashion to cause the E.DIN conditions of a “perpetual dawn” on planet Earth. The Moon could even be where Enoch (Thoth) might have gone for his schooling at Anunnaki University. [One wonders what the prerequisites are, or if the admission requirements are really tough. A rampant curiosity might be important.]
When the Anunnaki discovered Earth 12,000 years ago it had already lost 98% of its atmosphere down from a high of 750 PSI down to 14 PSI. Earth was in an Ice Age with huge ice caps on both poles and it had little arable land. The oceans were not very productive because the sun beat down on the Equator all the time. It was cold because most of the sunlight was reflected off the Ice Caps back into space. The only way to revive Earth and replenish the atmosphere for larger populations of humans and animals was to tilt it 23.5 degrees relative to the Sun’s rays and increased volcanism with the Moon’s gravity. This released more CO2 into the atmosphere. Obviously they had done this before.
Bringing the Moon in by bouncing it off the Arctic Ocean tilted the Earth 23.5 degrees relative to the Sun's rays which doubled arable land and doubled the plankton growth in the oceans to replenish the oxygen. The book is: Cosmological Ice Ages.
My co-author and I used an online impact computer, Arizona.edu/impact effects. We put the mass of the Moon in there, 8.35 E 22 kilograms (this number included the 200-kilometer-thick coating of ice), the mass of the Earth 5.98 E 24 kilograms, an angel of 11 degrees and a speed of 2.5 kilometers per second. The resulting numbers that came back was that the Moon would depress Earth’s crust five kilometers. The Arctic Ocean is five kilometers deep above Alaska. The force of impact was 700 terra-megatons. It killed off all the tribes, horses, camels and mastodons in North America at a time when there were few humans living there. Mastodons were found with quick frozen with green food in their mouths caused by winds of 200+ miles per hour and temperatures of -200 degrees Fahrenheit caused by the vacuum of space behind the Moon.
There is only one object up there in space close to Earth with enough mass to tilt Earth 23.5 degrees and that object is the Moon. This had to be done to extend the life of the planet a few extra thousand years to enable humans to become conscious and become a type one civilization. (We are still a type zero.)
Finally, while the Anunnaki might have been the Gods and Goddesses of Sumerian and other ancient civilizations, it is also possible that the Anunnaki themselves might have had others to look up to and revere as superior beings. That may also be why they preferred the relative anonymity of having a natural looking space ship. Why not?----Especially after terra-forming Earth to suit their needs. To talk about this more call: (907) 283-1456 www.AlaskaPublishing.com and www.GuardDogBooks.com
Giordano Bruno (a 16th century Italian philosopher) is reputed to have written in De Immenso: (Bk IV, x, pp. 56-57): “There are those who have believed that there was a certain time (as our Mythologian says) when the moon, which was believed to be younger than the sun, was not yet created. The Arcadians, who dwelt not far from the Po, are believed to have been in existence before it (the moon).” “Theodorus writes in his first book that the moon had appeared a little while before the war which was fought by Hercules against the giants. Aristochius and Dionysius Chalcidensis, in the first of their works, confirm the same.” “Mnaseas said that the Arcadians were born before the moon, and so they were called ‘proselenian’; meaning, ‘before the moon’.” [1]
Bruno goes on to step upon the sensibilities of future scholars by noting that, “the earth, which is of the same species as the moon, is of creatable and destructible substance, and is truly animal and even mortal, although divine. Therefore, the planets (worlds) are able to be created and destroyed, and it is not possible that they have been eternal, since we have proved them to be alterable and consisting of changing parts.” [1] [emphasis added]
Plutarch, Hippolytus, Censorinus, and a doubting Lucian wrote of pre-Lunar people, as did Ovid, who said that the Arcadians possessed their land before the birth of Jove, and were older than the Moon. There are even Biblical references (Job 25:5 and Psalm 72:5) which allude to a Moonless Earth -- or at least can be so interpreted. Finally, the memory of a Moonless Earth is contained in the oral traditions of such Indians as those of the Bogota highlands in the eastern Cordilleras of Columbia, i.e. according to tribesmen of Chibchas, “In the earliest times, when the moon was not yet in the heavens.”
The references to the aboriginal nature of the pre-Moon folk, and the fact they lived before “the birth of Jove” is particularly noteworthy. While Velikovsky and those scholars suggesting a Moonless Earth time, have never made the apparent connection to Sumerian records and the Anunnaki, many of whom of the latter have a date of birth (or arrival in the environs of Earth) which would have occurred after the time of some of Earth’s original aborigines. In fact, the time of a Moonless Earth might likely correspond to the time when Homo Erectus was roaming about the planet, dwelling in mountains, eating acorns, and becoming the archetype for future aborigines. The possible assumption that the Arcadians were a civilization is without confirming evidence. In addition, the habit of Sumerians to consider civilization and the world as an interchangeable term, does not eliminate an Arcadian “civilization” as being essentially an aboriginal one. Meanwhile, all the histories tie together, all the pieces of the puzzle fit -- provided, of course, there is no recarving of the puzzles to make them fit in an incorrect position.
Given the distinct possibility of the Moon being a relative newcomer to its orbit around the Earth, an arrival apparently prior to the Anunnaki of Sumerian history, one might even consider seriously the even more radical suggestion of the Moon being artificial. In the section on Lunatics, we considered this possibility of a Moon being the ideal space ship, wherein one has all the comforts of home (including a vast collection of kitchen sinks), and at the same time, can enjoy an observational status wherein no one else (in particular, arrogant humans) even suspects the existence of a nearby extraterrestrial intelligence.
Is it possible that the Moon arrived with the Anunnaki -- either initially, or later when it was apparent that an off-planet base was essential? Is this their “home away from home”, from which they could observe the going ons down below, while still enjoying a privacy from prying human eyes? Zecharia Sitchin [2] and others have noted that there were Anunnaki “watchers” in the space surrounding the Earth -- and while it might be assumed they were in artificial satellites in near-Earth orbit, no one appears [until the writing of this essay] to have considered that the artificial satellite upon which the Anunnaki were doing their watching (and administering the trans-shipments of Gold back to Nibiru) was in fact the Moon! And yet it makes total sense.
Adam and Eve being Lunatics is one case in point, where perhaps the genetic work of Enki and Ninki was being conducted in an off-Earth-site location. The fact that Adam may have been preaching a worship of the Moon is just more evidence of his possible birthplace, and the location of his acknowledged creators.
Richard Hoagland
The reason the near side of the Moon is relatively smooth with few new craters is due to the fact that it was covered with over 200 kilometers of ice accumulated during its long space long voyage to Earth. When it was bounced off Earth the ice was knocked off raising sea levels on Earth 300 feet 11,713 years ago taking Earth out of the Ice Age.
It might appear ancient history has not even begun to scratch the surface of possibilities of Anunnaki residing on the Moon in the early days (as well as now?), in a continuing series of “Prime Directive” Violations. It is even possible that Hoagland’s lunar anomalies are the remnants of that Anunnaki war, and that there is still Anunnaki in residence on “our” Moon. Suddenly, the “Man in the Moon” takes on a greater credibility.
Furthermore, an Anunnaki controlled artificial Moon might have allowed them to use it in some fashion to cause the E.DIN conditions of a “perpetual dawn” on planet Earth. The Moon could even be where Enoch (Thoth) might have gone for his schooling at Anunnaki University. [One wonders what the prerequisites are, or if the admission requirements are really tough. A rampant curiosity might be important.]
When the Anunnaki discovered Earth 12,000 years ago it had already lost 98% of its atmosphere down from a high of 750 PSI down to 14 PSI. Earth was in an Ice Age with huge ice caps on both poles and it had little arable land. The oceans were not very productive because the sun beat down on the Equator all the time. It was cold because most of the sunlight was reflected off the Ice Caps back into space. The only way to revive Earth and replenish the atmosphere for larger populations of humans and animals was to tilt it 23.5 degrees relative to the Sun’s rays and increased volcanism with the Moon’s gravity. This released more CO2 into the atmosphere. Obviously they had done this before.
Bringing the Moon in by bouncing it off the Arctic Ocean tilted the Earth 23.5 degrees relative to the Sun's rays which doubled arable land and doubled the plankton growth in the oceans to replenish the oxygen. The book is: Cosmological Ice Ages.
My co-author and I used an online impact computer, Arizona.edu/impact effects. We put the mass of the Moon in there, 8.35 E 22 kilograms (this number included the 200-kilometer-thick coating of ice), the mass of the Earth 5.98 E 24 kilograms, an angel of 11 degrees and a speed of 2.5 kilometers per second. The resulting numbers that came back was that the Moon would depress Earth’s crust five kilometers. The Arctic Ocean is five kilometers deep above Alaska. The force of impact was 700 terra-megatons. It killed off all the tribes, horses, camels and mastodons in North America at a time when there were few humans living there. Mastodons were found with quick frozen with green food in their mouths caused by winds of 200+ miles per hour and temperatures of -200 degrees Fahrenheit caused by the vacuum of space behind the Moon.
There is only one object up there in space close to Earth with enough mass to tilt Earth 23.5 degrees and that object is the Moon. This had to be done to extend the life of the planet a few extra thousand years to enable humans to become conscious and become a type one civilization. (We are still a type zero.)
Finally, while the Anunnaki might have been the Gods and Goddesses of Sumerian and other ancient civilizations, it is also possible that the Anunnaki themselves might have had others to look up to and revere as superior beings. That may also be why they preferred the relative anonymity of having a natural looking space ship. Why not?----Especially after terra-forming Earth to suit their needs. To talk about this more call: (907) 283-1456 www.AlaskaPublishing.com and www.GuardDogBooks.com
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